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The company’s stage work is largely characterised by inclusion of related arts – live music, video: documentary or abstract animation, spoken words, new circus and multimedia aiming to open way for multiple-channel communication.

This allows us to go beyond corporal or interpersonal issues and broaching sensitive social problems in order to trigger or just contribute to a social dialogue still using dance.

We regard site-specific performance as an opportunity for re-structuring the cartesian relation of audience to the spectacle and transform it to an immersive situation, where participants may interact.

Due to withdrawing contemporary dance from the traditional theatrical space, the company has also performed in cafés, classrooms, art galleries and faires, school gyms, cinemas or specific industrial sites.

  • Entertain me – a piece of contemporary cabaret in search for answers to the sensitive questions: why do we need entertainment, how we like to be entertained and why so, was created during a residency at the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium in Denmark, run by Eugenio Barba.
  • Rechargeable – investigating the social consequences of a (almost) eternal life, is a community dance work with elderly non-professional performers was awarded by CEC ArtsLink and in 2017 summer became re-created and presented in Minneapolis (US) as coproduction with Link Vostok production house. In 2019 Rechargeable was re-created in 7 cities of Denmark with the participation of different local communities.
  • Cleft night or what you deal (with) – an immersive theatre performance dealing with migration issues on the basis of Shakespeare’s classical comedy- was supported by European Union Culture Program in the frame of Life Long Burning project.
  • the latest creation of the company: Declaration of Independence was conceived and premiered in Philadelphia (US) in the frame of Philadelphia Dance Project’s Bilateral Artist Exchange Program and was inspired by the city where the Declaration of Independence – resulting the USA- had been published in 1776.

Our credo is keeping theatre on eye-level therefore we pay special attention to young audiences:

  • Kata’s classroom performance The bad student tested won the grand prize of Classroom Theatre Muster (2012)
  • our gym-performance Warm up was awarded by Assitej Children’s and Youth Theatre Biennale in Kaposvár (2016), respectively invited to the Central and East European Cultural Season in China (2017), and OFF Europa Festival (best of Hungary selection) 2018.
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